Qualificazioni meccano-elettriche dei gruppi di pali di fondazione

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The present study completes this one published in the 1965
" About the electric suspended piles " (Bollettino Ufficiale ANAS n° 678);
the author makes some mechano-electrical qualifications of the foundation
Often the foundation piles carried out using the traditional methods
(as tubular shafts concrete filled) don't show enough strength particularly
where the subsoil is constituted of sinking or muddy ground, in littoral
regions, palaeogulfs, etc.
The supporting piling can be started using « slender piles » (metallic
piles with a metallic core) being therefore easy to handle and which can be
completed using different electrogeotechnic mothods, increasing the (apparent)
diameter in continuous or not continuous way (for all the trunk) in connection
with the real needs.
Indeed, with the use of the mechano-electric piling it is beginning a
new era in the building industry.

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How to Cite
BELLUIGI, A. (1968) “Qualificazioni meccano-elettriche dei gruppi di pali di fondazione”, Annals of Geophysics, 21(1), pp. 15–38. doi: 10.4401/ag-5057.