Dromocrone delle onde P dedotte dallo studio del terremoto profondo del basso Tirreno del 3 Gennaio 1960

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By means of a statistica! metliod of Caloi-Peronaci, the
author determines the space-time coordinates of the deep earthquake which
took place in the lower Tirrenian sea on Jan. 3, 1960.
Through a series of attemps performed by making the recording times
of the P's intervene in divers station groupings (intermediate, intermediate
and far, intermediate and near), emphasins is given to the utility of the
data of near stations with regard to a better determination of depth and
origin time.
The most probable equations of tlie travel-time curves of the P waves
are worked out, valid up to distances of 30°. The equations thus obtained
make evident anticipations of the order of 2S in the stations of Messina and
Reggio C. with regard to the times foreseen according to tlie Jeffreys and Bullen
tables. The travel-time curves obtained for the group of scandinavian
stations ( 18°,6 ^ A < 30°) shows anticipations from 6 about (Goteborg) to zero.

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How to Cite
FEDERICO, B. (1963) “Dromocrone delle onde P dedotte dallo studio del terremoto profondo del basso Tirreno del 3 Gennaio 1960”, Annals of Geophysics, 16(3), pp. 513–538. doi: 10.4401/ag-5248.