L'assorbimento della radiazione solare su scala planetaria

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In the present paper the AA. search an eventual phenomenon
with the universal diurnal variation, which may influence the
natural terrestrial phenomena. Considering that the first cause of the
diurnal variations is the solar radiation arriving 011 the Earth, such a phenomenon
may be founded in the diurnal rotation of the Earth, therefore
1 lie regions illuminated by the sun are different according to the universal
time. Since the regions of the Earth have different albedo, the solar radiation
absorbed by the entire Earth will have an universal diurnal variation.
The A A. have calculated the apparent surface (with the sun as a point
of view) of the lands and of the seas at different hours (U.T.) and in the
different period of the year.
In order of include in computation the absorption of the solar radiation
by the atmosphere, the AA. have calculated these surfaces with a
correction due to this absorption. In these computations the eventual
cloudiness not appears, because in this first approximation the cloudiness
is supposed equal 011 the entire Earth. These surfaces with the correction
of the atmospheric absorption are proportional to the solar energy really
absorbed by the entire Earth.
By the comparison of the universal diurnal variation of those surfaces
with that of a natural phenomenon (the atmospheric electric field), the
AA. show that it is possible, with some reductions, to make these variations
coincide. These reductions are an advance of the maximum (4 hours) and
a coefficient which reckons the albedo's difference.
The AA. recognize that it is no possible with this preliminary study
to explain the influence of the solar energy absorbed by the entire Earth
011 the atmospheric electric field; but according to the AA. this correlation
will take an important contribution also to the researches for the general
atmospheric circulation.

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How to Cite
CIALDEA, R. and SCIARRATTA, S. (1968) “L’assorbimento della radiazione solare su scala planetaria”, Annals of Geophysics, 21(2), pp. 155–171. doi: 10.4401/ag-5062.