The following types of manuscripts can be considered for peer-reviewed publication in AG:

  • Regular papers report substantial new results and conclusions from scientific investigations of geophysical processes within the scope of the journal.
  • Review papers summarize the current state of knowledge on a specific research topic, scientific problem, or methodologies, and outline future directions of research within the scope of the journal. Before preparing and submitting a review article, please contact an editor covering the relevant subject area, as well as the Editor in Chief.
  • Peer-reviewed comments (and replies) continue the discussion of published papers. They have to refer to papers already published in AG. They undergo the same process of peer review and publication as regular papers and review papers, albeit reviewed by only one independent referee. The manuscript title should start with either "Comment on" or "Reply to".
  • Data and method paper is an academic article that focuses on describing original research data sets and/or detailing specific research methodologies. In particular, AG welcomes submissions of high-quality original data or data collections along with descriptions of the data and its collection context. In recent years, there has been a shift towards data-driven science alongside traditional hypothesis-driven methods, especially in complex systems sciences, impacting geosciences. AG aims to highlight the importance of collecting high-quality data in research through this new article type.