Some theoretical of ionospheric storms at middle latitudes

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G. A. Mansilla
J. R. Manzano


Neutral wind effects in the F2-region during geomagnetic storms are theoretically studied solving the continuity equation (with production and loss of electrons) by means of a numerical method. This study was made for storms with sudden commencement at different times of day and at different latitudes. The results show that the equatorward movements of neutral air produce either enhanced or depressed maximum electron density values which depend on the velocity of these winds when the perturbation occurs at diurnal hours. If the geomagnetic storm is present during the night, only enhanced values are observed.

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How to Cite
Mansilla, G. A. and Manzano, J. R. (1998) “Some theoretical of ionospheric storms at middle latitudes”, Annals of Geophysics, 41(4). doi: 10.4401/ag-3798.